- When you hear the wrong sound, don't call out the student who made the mistake. Keep the card displayed and say to everyone in the group, “Let’s trace.” Tracing helps students learn by seeing, hearing, and feeling at the same time.
- When you say, “let’s trace,” do not say the sound and give your students the answer. Tell everyone to put two fingers on a surface, trace, and say the sound. If you do hear it pronounced correctly, you say, “Great, and trace it again.” Then trace it one more time.
- If you don’t hear the correct sound, stop, reference the card, and say “j says /j/, as in jet,” then click the Flip button the to flip the card over.

- Reference the keyword and say, “/j/, as in jet." Click Flip Back to flip the card back over and say, “Everybody trace the /j/ sound again,” then have the students repeat it two more times.

- Once a mistake has been properly corrected, click the Dog Ear button.

- The card will appear folded in the top right corner. Click to go to the next slide, and the dog-eared card will be shuffled back into the deck. When the card reappears, Dog Ear it again so the students can practice the sound one more time. Repetition is key.

TIP: Students may tend to look at their fingers instead of the Sound Card. Make sure they are looking at the Sound Card when tracing.